在新西兰应该时刻谨记靠左行车,在没有道路中线的狭窄道路上,你应该如何驾驶?In New Zealand, it is important to always remember to drive on the left side of the road. How should you drive on narrow roads without a center line?
在道路中间行驶,对面的车看到我会避让的Drive in the middle of the road and oncoming cars will move over for you.
如果对面没有车,到右侧驾驶一下也不要紧,反正没有划线If there are no cars approaching, it's okay to briefly drive on the right side, since there are no dividing lines.
尽量靠左边行驶,必要的情况下停车让对面的车先过去Try to drive on the left side whenever possible, but if necessary, pull over and let oncoming cars pass first.
打开远光灯提醒对面司机你正在道路上前进Use your high beams to signal to oncoming drivers that you are on the road.