当你准备通过仅允许一辆车通过的桥梁时,你该怎么做?What should you do when you come up to a one-lane bridge?

当你准备通过仅允许一辆车通过的桥梁时,你该怎么做?What should you do when you come up to a one-lane bridge?
继续驾驶 - 迎面而来的车辆会倒车离开桥Drive on - oncoming vehicles will reverse off the bridge
减速,如果你没有优先通过权那么向对面的驾驶员晃大灯示意Slow down and flash your lights to warn oncoming drivers if you don't have the right of way
减速,如果对面没有车辆则通过Slow down, be prepared to stop and only proceed if the bridge is clear of oncoming traffic
除非在你的一侧看到了蓝底白箭头的标识才能通过Go only if you have a blue sign with a white arrow in your direction
