

What do the bridge signs shown in the picture mean?
如图所示的桥梁标识,分别是什么意思?What do the bridge signs shown in the picture mean?
黑色白色的斜杠花纹标识桥梁左侧边界,黑色黄色的斜杠花纹标识桥梁右侧边界The black and white diagonal striped pattern on the left side of the bridge indicates the left boundary, while the black and yellow diagonal striped pattern on the right side indicates the right boundary.
黑色白色的斜杠花纹标识下面有水管,黑色黄色的斜杠花纹标识下面有电缆The black and white diagonal striped pattern below indicates a water pipe, while the black and yellow diagonal striped pattern below indicates a cable.
黑色白色的斜杠花纹标识道路左侧可以停车,黑色黄色的斜杠花纹标识道路右侧不可以停车The black and white diagonal striped pattern on the left side of the road indicates parking is allowed, while the black and yellow diagonal striped pattern on the right side indicates parking is not allowed.
黑色白色的斜杠花纹标识桥梁下面是河水,黑色黄色的斜杠花纹标识桥梁下面是山坡The black and white diagonal striped pattern below the bridge indicates a river, while the black and yellow diagonal striped pattern below indicates a mountain slope.
