
What must you do when turning right at a roundabout?
环岛右转的时候,你必须做什么?选择所有正确的What must you do when turning right at a roundabout?
接近环岛时打右转向灯,然后在您想要驶离的出口前打左转向灯Indicate right as you approach the roundabout then left before the exit you want to take
在整个环岛过程中一直打右转向灯Indicate right the whole way around the roundabout
接近环岛时不要打右转向灯,但一进入环岛就打右转向灯Don't indicate right as you approach, but indicate right once on the roundabout
进入环岛时保持在左侧行驶Stay left as you enter the roundabout
